Siopang Hong’s VR art work 2019
When am I, where am I ...
@Palace Museum
-The Epitome of Aesthetics – New Media Art Exhibition
Full 3-D Audience-Responsive Virtual Reality Video Art
導演 劇本 美術 VR設計 洪小澎
書法素材 蘇軾 柯良志
Su Shih had created a time and space in Huangzhou in 1082, and deposited it in the "The Cold Food Observance". "When am I, where am I ..." is another time and space created in 2019 Taipei as a response. Being a VR form of chinese calligraphy, "When am I, where am I ..." also serves as a collection of nearly a thousand years, inviting the audience to roam inside both the calligraphy and text reading, or to be able to see through the immersive vision and physical experience.
體驗指引/Audience Guide
Wearing VR glasses, the audience will be in full 3D VR landscape, just like the ancient chinese literati took a boat to watch the water. The audience can look up and down, or walk or turn in the area of about ten feets square.
- 無盡的移動,不情願地移動。腳本出自《臥遊山水VR》2018往前移動之循環。於虛無的空間,直線型往前進,洪經過多次試驗,最後仍以前作此一單純直線運動的方式,所帶來的體感經驗非常適合表現中文閱讀、觀賞書法的經驗。
- 在空間中以薄片重新架構。畫面元素《心遊VR》2018,將心跡建構成一VR作品《心遊》,邀約觀眾遊於此三維山水之中。VR世界中,作者將生活中的小單張或票據、心知隨手所畫的小速寫,配合作者於空間劃動而成的墨筆,構成景致。本作品同時存在實體及虛幻的兩層意義。邀請觀眾透過VR世界而進行臥遊。
- 消逝、出現。桃花林在哪裡?無盡的追尋、卻也是一再的消逝。則是出現於《行觀遊居》《臥遊山水VR》《心遊VR》的重覆出現主題。本作品鼓勵觀眾回首,回首時將會發現更多。
Following the context of Siopang Hong's previous three VR works, "When am I, where am I ..." tried to react with another major system of the oriental ink and wash system: calligraphy works, in 2019 language.
- In the void space, audience moves straightly forward. Endless movement, moving reluctantly - The design comes from his 2018 VR work " Spiritual Journey VR". After many experiments, Hong chose this simple linear movement as the main art of audiences’ somatosensory experience, as he thought it is very suitable for expressing the experience of reading and viewing calligraphy in Chinese.
- Siopang Hong turned paper works of daily life in thin slices and had them restructured in space. This idea of manipulating picture elements builds things in his mind into a detailed VR world, inviting the audience to have a visionary journey in this three-dimensional landscape. In the VR world, the author composes scenes using scans of small leaflets or bills encountered in daily life, small sketches he draws. There are two layers of meaning in this work: entity and illusion. These scenes may recall the impression of his previous VR work "Heart Moving" 2018.
- Disappears, then appears. Where is the Peach Blossom Forest – an icon of utopia? Endless guests in our lifes are disappearing again and again. It is a recurring theme appearing in Siopang Hong’s VR works, including "To Roam, View, Travel and Live", " Spiritual Journey VR " and "Heart Moving". This work encourages the audience to look back, and more vision icons related to the utopia will be found more when the audience looks back.
- 第一篇:蘇軾《寒食帖》「原跡」及「VR書法」。
- 第二篇:以VR書寫回應蘇軾《寒食帖》。
- 第三篇:以時人書法回應蘇軾《寒食帖》。書法提供:柯良志
The work consists of three chapters. The first chapter is the Su Shih's original text and the reproduction of VR calligraphy.
The second and third chapter are the colophons written by Hong Sio Pang and Ko Liang-Chih respectively in VR and traditional calligraphy. They responds in a contemporary account to the theme, "migration", of the original poem.
One thousand years is passing by, and despite the advancement of science and technology, people still inevitably migrate like their ancestors. Life has an end, but the migration in time and space is still endless.
洪小澎製作 2019 Siopang Hong Presents
指導單位: 國立故宮博物院,國立臺灣師範大學美術學系
Co-organized by National Palace Museum & National Taiwan Normal University Fine Arts Department.