Siopang Hong’s VR art work 2019
When am I, where am I ...
@Palace Museum
-The Epitome of Aesthetics – New Media Art Exhibition


Full 3-D Audience-Responsive Virtual Reality Video Art

導演 劇本 美術 VR設計 洪小澎
書法素材 蘇軾 柯良志

Siopang Hong’s VR art work 2019 When Am I where Am I @Palace Museum洪小澎VR水墨作品2019自我來我來自x 故宮

Su Shih had created a time and space in Huangzhou in 1082, and deposited it in the "The Cold Food Observance". "When am I, where am I ..." is another time and space created in 2019 Taipei as a response. Being a VR form of chinese calligraphy, "When am I, where am I ..." also serves as a collection of nearly a thousand years, inviting the audience to roam inside both the calligraphy and text reading, or to be able to see through the immersive vision and physical experience.

Siopang Hong’s VR art work 2019 When Am I where Am I @Palace Museum洪小澎VR水墨作品2019自我來我來自x 故宮
體驗指引/Audience Guide
Wearing VR glasses, the audience will be in full 3D VR landscape, just like the ancient chinese literati took a boat to watch the water. The audience can look up and down, or walk or turn in the area of about ten feets square.

Siopang Hong’s VR art work 2019 When Am I where Am I @Palace Museum洪小澎VR水墨作品2019自我來我來自x 故宮


Siopang Hong’s VR art work 2019 When Am I where Am I @Palace Museum洪小澎VR水墨作品2019自我來我來自x 故宮


Siopang Hong’s VR art work 2019 When Am I where Am I @Palace Museum洪小澎VR水墨作品2019自我來我來自x 故宮

The work consists of three chapters. The first chapter is the Su Shih's original text and the reproduction of VR calligraphy.
The second and third chapter are the colophons written by Hong Sio Pang and Ko Liang-Chih respectively in VR and traditional calligraphy. They responds in a contemporary account to the theme, "migration", of the original poem.
One thousand years is passing by, and despite the advancement of science and technology, people still inevitably migrate like their ancestors. Life has an end, but the migration in time and space is still endless.

Siopang Hong’s VR art work 2019 When Am I where Am I @Palace Museum洪小澎VR水墨作品2019自我來我來自x 故宮

Siopang Hong’s VR art work 2019 When Am I where Am I @Palace Museum洪小澎VR水墨作品2019自我來我來自x 故宮
Siopang Hong’s VR art work 2019 When Am I where Am I @Palace Museum洪小澎VR水墨作品2019自我來我來自x 故宮
Siopang Hong’s VR art work 2019 When Am I where Am I @Palace Museum洪小澎VR水墨作品2019自我來我來自x 故宮
Siopang Hong’s VR art work 2019 When Am I where Am I @Palace Museum洪小澎VR水墨作品2019自我來我來自x 故宮

洪小澎製作 2019 Siopang Hong Presents
指導單位: 國立故宮博物院,國立臺灣師範大學美術學系
Co-organized by National Palace Museum & National Taiwan Normal University Fine Arts Department.

Siopang Hong’s VR art work 2019 When Am I where Am I @Palace Museum洪小澎VR水墨作品2019自我來我來自x 故宮